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قديم 17-03-11, 06:53 AM   #1

خطوات واثقة

رقم العضوية : 14845
تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
عدد المشاركات : 162
عدد النقاط : 10

أوسمة العضو
لاتوجد أوسمة لـ mado0o0_m
برنامج عمل باك اب للبريد الالكترونى Live Mail Backup 2011 Build

Live Mail Backup 2011 Build


برنامج لعمل باك اب للبريد الالكترونى Live Mail Backup 2011 Build , برنامج لعمل باك اب للرسائل الالكترونية بحيث يمكنك الاحتفاظ بها واستعادتهاا كلما احتجت اليها فى اصدرا جديد. يقوم البرنامج بضغط الرسائل التى يقوم بحفظها لتوفير المساحة كما ان عملية الاحتفاظ بالنسخه الاحتياطية للميل لا تمس الخصوصية مطلقا او محتوى البريد......


Live Mail Backup 2011 is a professional application designed to perform backups of your Live Mail profiles, so you can restore them when you need.

Live Mail Backup 2011 automatically detects whether Windows Live Mail is installed on your computer, therefore avoiding the need for complicated settings. Live Mail Backup 2011 saves space on your computer by automatically compressing your backup files.

Furthermore, these files can be protected from unauthorized access by a 256-Bit AES encryption meaning that they can be safely stored on an FTP server. With Live Mail Backup 2011 you can easily browse through existing backup files just as easily as with Windows Explorer meaning that single specific files can be restored.

Additionally, Live Mail Backup 2011 facilitates an automatic backup system meaning your Windows Live Mail profile are backed up at a specified time and your backup files remain up to date. Live Mail Backup 2011 create a full backup of your profile including your emails, account settings, personal settings and much more.

Live Mail Backup 2011 creates a cross-platform backup which, for example, makes it incredibly easy to upgrade to a new operating system. If you have backed up your Windows Live Mail profile on a computer with a certain operating system, for example, Windows XP, you can use Live Mail Backup 2011 to easily restore it on a computer with a different operating system such as Windows 7 without any problems or adjustments.

Furthermore, you can create a portable version of Live Mail Backup 2011 meaning you can constantly have a helpful resource to hand when you travel.


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DOWNLOAD : Live Mail Backup 2011 Build

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