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الكمبيوتر والتقنية تحميل برامج كمبيوتر - YouTube - برامج حماية - تصميمات - برمجة مواقع - نغمات وشعارات جوالات - إتصالات - سيارات - جديد تقنية المعلومات

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قديم 04-02-11, 03:26 PM   #1

سهيل سهيل
يا هلا وسهلا

رقم العضوية : 11932
تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2008
عدد المشاركات : 251
عدد النقاط : 10

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 اوافق عملاق التحميل Orbit Downloader

Orbit Downloader

تعريف البرنامج

برنامج اكثر من رائع لتحميل جميع ملفاتك من الانترنت وهو منافس قوي لجميع البرامج في هذا المجال
ويتميز بخفته وسهولته الفائقه .. كما انه لا يمثل حملا علي الجهاز او يقلل من كفائته ويدعم الكثير من صيغ التحميل المستخدمه بكثره ومتكامل مع جميع المتصفحات

Main features

1. Download social music, video and streaming media
Orbit Downloader is devoted to new generation web application downloading and provides a total solution to download music and video. So you can download streaming media, social music, social video, movie, flash and file from anywhere include Pandora, YouTube, Yahoo, Myspace and Rapidshare more simple and easy.
2. Extreme download acceleration
In general, Orbit Downloader is based on P2P technology. It has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation. And Orbit Downloader has advanced robust multithread download algorithm implemented with high quality. It can speed up to 500% faster with great acceleration.
3. Super Light: micro-sized and resource-friendly
Orbit Downloader is written with efficiency in mind, it typically uses less than 3MB of memory and 3% of cpu when downloading. Additionally, the installation package is less than 2MB.
4. Support Rapidshare download.
Orbit downloader Support HTTPS and HTTP POST method. Orbit downloader can make your downloads from file-sharing service websites include RapidShare much faster, safer and more stable.
5. Support IE, Firefox, Maxthon, Opera.
Orbit Downloader supports IE, FireFox, Maxthon and Opera.
6. Support Metalink download.
Orbit Downloader supports Metalink download and gives you extremely fast download speeds.
7. Support HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, MMS, RTSP and RTMP protocols.
You can easily download files with a browser click from any remote server via HTTP/ HTTPS/ FTP/ RTSP/ MMS. And the RTMP protocol will be supported soon.
8. Support Proxy server configuration.
You can set Orbit Downloader to use a proxy server. Orbit Downloader can work well with HTTP, HTTP and SOCKS5 protocols.
9. Support download pause and resume
Orbit Downloader can resume broken downloads. So you needn't start the downloading process from the very beginning after casual interruption. You can resume unfinished download from the moment when it was interrupted.
10. General download management.
Orbit Downloader's easy-to-use management features and simple-yet-powerful configuration options can make both your downloading process and downloaded files management as easy as never before.

صور البرنامج

size : 5 M


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اخر اصدارات رائع التحميل من الميجا ابلود Megaupload Downloader 1.00.1 بحجم 500 kb mado0o0_m الكمبيوتر والتقنية 0 21-01-11 06:12 PM
Orbit Downloader Multilingual Portable flowerz الكمبيوتر والتقنية 0 18-01-10 11:32 AM
العملاق فى تنزيل وتحميل ملفات الفيديو والموسيقى orbit downloader 2.8.6 سهيل سهيل الكمبيوتر والتقنية 2 02-03-09 12:29 PM

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